Friday, August 1, 2008

Fields of Gold Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Hi Friends...

Wouldn't Adysen look adorable in this dress. I think so...hope we win!

Fields of Gold Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Now, time for a Tindall Tribe update...
We're are getting ready to take another trip. This time we will be road tripping our way to St. Louis for the
MIA Conference and I'm not talking M.I.A the singer although that would be cool, too! I am super excited because we are staying my good friend Amy and I will be able to attend one of her yoga classes. Hopefully I won't look too ridiculous!

Well the update ends here because the baby is awake.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

May Madness

It's been a busy month for the Tindall's. I have begun a new business adventure, celebrated birthdays, enjoyed Mother's day, thrown parties, attended recitals and I still have a graduation to attend and go on a much needed vacation to Sunny San Diego!

Yesterday was my birthday and the family went to visit Jaime, our AWESOME hair artist. Adysen wanted hair like mommy because brother keeps pulling her hair so her hair is the shortest it's ever been. She will be turning 5 on Saturday so I guess she is entitled to a change with the responsibilites of no longer being "toddler".

Adysen's "last" recital was yesterday as well and I hope you enjoy the video I choose to share. It was my favorite dance out of the 3 they performed. The reason I say "last" is because she has now decided she does not like dance but it appears she has a pretty good time, huh?!? So we are going to try gymnastics this summer and see what she thinks.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


We took Asher for his 4 month well baby check up yesterday.  As we were sitting in the waiting room there were 2 other babies there and one of the parent's ask his age and I respond with "He is 4 months, how old is your little girl," she responds "7 months."  I wasn't completely shocked that Asher was just about as big as the two 7 month little girls in the waiting room because just this past weekend we attended a birthday party and met a 8 month old.  If I had not known his age I would have thought him and Asher were the same age.  So, needless to say, we have a bigBoy weighing in at 16lbs 4 oz and 26 1/2 in and he is in the 75th percentile for his weight and 90th for his height!  We are so proud.  The doc said he was PERFECT but we didn't need her to tell us this, we know we have PERFECT children.  
This morning the lil man had his first taste cereal.  As you can see he was not exactly thrilled about it but he came around to it and ate a few spoonfuls.  Can you see that belly...oh, so cute!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Blogging from Tindall Tribe

Ok, we are here and now we have to think of something witty and genius to say. The website is coming together and we hope to be sharing our lives with you in the most efficient manner...through the world wide web. Neither of us are great at communicating via telephone and certainly not through snail mail.

Cory is excited to blog about politics and whatever else he would like to debate with the rest of the world. I just want to share our latest adventures with the chitlins. We hope you all enjoy what the
Tindall Tribe has to offer.